Opening Hours : Devon Square Podiatry is Open



Biomechanics – Basic Principles


    • Podiatric Biomechanics means the application of mechanical principles to alleviating problems in the lower limb caused by misalignments of bones in the patient’s feet and legs. Put simply, if the bones are out of line problems can be caused higher up in the knees and lower back, as well as within the foot itself.


  • The efficiency with which the foot functions when walking or running depends on the way in which bones and joints move in relation to one another. Efficient pain-free function also depends on the angle the foot makes to the lower leg and to the ground during motion. If these angles and alignments are incorrect then soft tissue stresses will occur.

Off the Shelf Orthotics


  • Not all conditions require bespoke or custom made devices. Simple pre-made orthotics can be prescribed for a variety of mild biomechanical problems.


Custom Made Orthotics


  • For more complex conditions (for example, where the problems are not the same in both feet) custom made devices will be necessary. These are made by taking casts of your feet and sending them to a laboratory with a detailed prescription. The shoe inserts produced will last for many years and will have been fabricated exactly to match your feet and their problems.

Treatments Provided

by Devon Square Podiatry

General Chiropody

Problems Perhaps you suffer one of the following: Corns and Callus Painful or Thickened Nails In-growing Nails Difficulty cutting your […]

Nail Surgery

Many nail problems can be improved considerably by straightforward chiropody. However, nails that are very curved, hard or continually inflamed […]


Biomechanics – Basic Principles   Podiatric Biomechanics means the application of mechanical principles to alleviating problems in the lower limb […]


Verrucae (warts) are harmless and usually self limiting viral infections of the skin and 80% of them will clear up […]

Heel Pain

By far the commonest cause of heel pain in those aged over 40 is Plantar Fasciitis. This occurs on the […]

Diabetic Footcare

If you have been diagnosed by your doctor as having diabetes then you will almost certainly have been advised that […]